Main Market Listing Process

Companies that are eligible to list securities on the JSE Any company which is incorporated or registered and operating a business in a CARICOM country, or any company which is listed on a recognized stock exchange may apply to be listed on the Jamaica Stock Exchange, by any one of the following methods:

  1. Prospectus Issue: An offer to the public by or on behalf of a company at a fixed price.
  2. Offer for Sale: An offer to the public, by or on behalf of a third party at a fixed price.
  3. Offer by Tender: An offer to the public, by or on behalf of a company or a third party by tender.
  4. Placing: An offer through a broker-member of the Exchange to sell the securities of a company to the public.
  5. Listing by Introduction: Where none of the company’s securities are being offered to the public.

Minimum Listing Requirements

  1. Total issued share and loan capital of the company should be $200,000 or more with the share capital portion being not less than $100,000.
  2. Ordinary Shares/Stocks

–  The issued nominal value should be $250,000 or more

–  Either there is a minimum of 100 share/stockhold­ers holding in their own right not less than 20% or the issued or there are arrangements then in place which the Exchange approves and achieved by the end of business on the first day the securities are listed

  1. Irredeemable Preference Shares and/or Preference

Shares convertible into Ordinary Shares/Stocks. No application for listing either class of these securities will be considered unless the issued nominal value is $500,000 or more.

Where the application is for a combination of both classes of securities, and provided that no one class is of an issued nominal value of less than $50,000 the total issued nominal values may be aggregated  in  meeting  the minimum requirement of $100,000 of  he issued share capital.

  1. Redeemable Preference Shares and/or Debenture Stocks

No application for listing of either class of these securities will be considered unless the issued nominal value is $100,000 or more. Where the application is for a combination of  both  classes of  securities  and  provided that no one class is of an issued nominal value of less than $50,000,the total issued nominal values may be aggregated in meeting  the minimum requirement of $100,000.

Indicative process for admission of a company to the Junior Market

  • Complete application for listing
  • Statutory Declaration by Officers
  • Appointment of a Transfer Agent
  • Personal Information Form for each officer, director promoter  and insider.